Som Sleep Featured On Glamour As “The Best ‘Sleep Water’ To Help You Fall Asleep Naturally”

SANTA MONICA, Calif. — Som Sleep, the first and only NSF Certified for Sport ready-to-drink sleep supplement, was recently featured on Glamour as “the best ‘sleep water’ to help you fall asleep naturally.”

“[Som Sleep is] essentially the anti Red Bull,” writes Lindsay Schallon, Senior Beauty Editor at Glamour. “I awoke the next morning surprisingly refreshed. Getting up to my alarm felt a little easier, and come 4:00 P.M., I wasn’t dragging and in need of another coffee. Since Som… is non-habit-forming, I chugged one again the next night to the same delightful result.”

The Original Som Sleep Formula took over a year to develop with countless iterations to achieve the perfect blend of efficacy and taste. The scientifically advanced Som Stack™ is designed to facilitate the natural process of sleep. Magnesium and Vitamin B6 help optimize your body’s natural sleep cycle, while L-Theanine and GABA promote relaxation. Melatonin jumpstarts the natural process of falling asleep. Som allows consumers to achieve the deep, healthy, restorative sleep that is desired from a sleep supplement. You can rest easy knowing Som Sleep is drug-free, non habit-forming, vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, and free of artificial colors and preservatives.

Som Sleep is an NSF Certified for Sport ready-to-drink sleep supplement available in both Original and Zero Sugar. The drug-free, non-habit forming formula is consumed 30 minutes before bed for better sleep. Som is available in a 4-pack, 12-pack, and 24-pack for both one-time purchase as well as recurring delivery online at and Amazon. It is also available at GNC, Bristol Farms, Central Market, and Down to Earth. You can find the store closest to you using the Som Sleep Store Locator. Apply now to join the Som SleepAffiliate Program, and find Som on social media @getsomsleep.

SOURCE Som Friends, Inc.