How To Achieve Your Fitness Goal with Jay Johnson

Jay Johnson, the Official Trainer of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (Photo credit: Roman Pena)

By Jay Johnson

Cardiovascular exercise should be done for at least 30 minutes, 4 days a week, to reset an individuals fat thermostat, and cause an increase in fat burning enzymes in the skeletal muscle. This is the most efficient and physiologically proven way for an individual to achieve their fitness goal.

It is critical for an individual to exercise at the right intensity (the Target Heart Range calculated to the individual’s fitness level and body composition) and duration (at least 30 minutes). This achieves the lowering of their Weight Regulating Mechanism (internal thermostat), and increases Fat Burning Enzymes in the skeletal muscle. This will produce a faster metabolism!

How to determine your Target Heart Rate:

Age Predicted Maximum Heart Rate. Subtract your age in years from the variable 220, then calculate a percentage of that figure (usually anywhere from 50%-80%). For example, a 55-year-old man with an aerobic capacity considered above average, may find that exercising at 70% of his maximum heart rate provides the most significant progress towards achieving his desired fitness goal. As a result, this individual’s training heart rate is estimated at 115 beats per min- utes.

Example: (220 – 55 = 165 X 70% = 116) Summary: To calculate age predicted maximum heart rate, subtract 220 – age and multiply by 50% – 80% (depending on fitness ability). The more fit you are the higher the % of estimated maximum heart rate can be performed. This formula provides an estimated Target Heart Rate.

VI-4 – It’s important to note that target heart rate formulas are not always accurate. A formula does not take in to account how much sleep you’ve gotten the night before, how much stress you are under, etc. One day you may feel great and are working comfort- ably at a 145 heart rate, and the next day you can barely get to 130. Please remember that nutrition and exercise have many grey areas. Venice Nutrition will teach you how to understand those grey areas and help you listen to your body. The goal is to build a cardio structure and adjust the protocol according to your goals and lifestyle.

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