Callie’s Corner: #WorkoutWednesday Lower Body Exercises with Former Dallas Mavericks Dancer, Lauren Gibler

This week’s #WorkoutWednesday features former Dallas Mavericks Dancer (DMD), Lauren Gibler. During her six seasons as a DMD, Lauren spent numerous training sessions with former DMD trainer, Sharif Abboud, and is very knowledgeable on fitness and nutrition.

Below are two of Lauren’s favorite compound lower body exercises:


This exercise is an amazingly effective move for your lower body, especially your glutes, hamstrings, and quads. Not only that, it’s great for your core muscles, too! 

Here’s how you do it:
–  Hold the kettle bell centered, keep your arms straight and knees slightly bent.
–  Slowly bend at your hips and lower the weight as far as possible (without rounding your back) and keep the kettle bell close to your legs (not reaching away from your body).
–  Make sure you keep your spine neutral, look straight ahead (not at the ground) and keep your shoulders back.
–  As you raise back up squeeze your glutes, while still keeping a completely straight spine.
*Perform three sets of 12-15 reps

Step Up with Kick Back

Step ups target your quads, hamstrings and gluten. Adding the extra kick back will really put emphasis on your glutes!

Here’s how you do it:
–  Start facing the bench with both feet on the floor and light weights in both hands (can be done without weights).
–  Step up onto the bench pushing through your heel.
–  As you reach the top you will kick your opposite leg back while really squeezing your glutes. Make sure that you are keeping your upper body tight and straight ( you do not want to lean forward during this exercise).
*Perform three sets of 10-12 alternate legs

About Callie Hickman 45 Articles
Callie Hickman